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coil method中文是什么意思

用"coil method"造句"coil method"怎么读"coil method" in a sentence


  • 盘绕法
  • 线圈材料
  • 线圈磁化法
  • 线圈法


  • Test method for thermal endurance of electrical insulating varnishes by the helical coil method
  • Standard test method for thermal endurance of electrical insulating varnishes by the helical coil method
  • The thesis indicates that both torque and radial force are generated even by using motor ' s coiling method
  • Superconductivity - ac loss measurements - total ac loss measurement of cu nb - ti composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method
    超导性.交流电损耗测量.用拾波线圈法测量暴露于横向交流磁场的cu nb - ti合成超导导线的交流电总损耗量
  • Superconductivity - part 8 : ac loss measurements ; total ac loss measurement of cu nb - ti composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method
  • Superconductivity - part 8 : ac loss measurements - total ac loss measurement of cu nb to composite superconducting wires exposed to a transverse alternating magnetic field by a pickup coil method
  • The dissertation designs a new type of coiling robot system through the analysis and research on the manually coiling method , which realized coiling of super rigidity thread and achieved better economic benefit
  • The experiment results show that the rotor can be suspended with dc when adopting motor ' s coiling method , which testifies the feasibility of integrative control by adding ac to windings coiled in this method , and lay out good foundations for further investigation
  • Based on the analysis on winding framework of the motor and the characteristic of manual coiling behavior , bending coiling plan is put forward . and a coiling method that integrated groove winding with smooth winding has been applied after comparing the advantage and disadvantage of groove winding with that of smooth winding
用"coil method"造句  


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